“唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城”。三彩环艺《尚品》 以三彩釉画表现多姿多彩的牡丹,写意与写实、工笔与浮雕、油画与水彩等艺术形式体现“花中之王”的风骨和精神。画面釉色明艳绚丽,每一朵牡丹硕大生动,呼之欲出,富丽端庄、芳香浓郁;展现王者⻛范、厚德载 物、自强不息等牡丹品格。使观者如同置身牡丹花海,誉其富贵吉祥,品其卓尔不群,成就花中尚品。
Designer: Aihe Guo
Luoyang Sancaiyi Ceramics Co.
"Only the peony is the true national color, and it is stunning in the capital when it blooms. The Sancai glaze painting is used to express the colorful peony, and the art forms such as realistic and realistic, brushwork and relief, oil painting and watercolor reflect the spirit of the "King of Flowers". Each peony is large and vivid, rich and dignified, with rich fragrance; it shows the character of peony, such as the king's beauty, virtue and self-improvement. It makes the viewers feel like they are in a sea of peony flowers, praising its richness and auspiciousness, tasting its excellence, and achieving the noble quality of flowers.